Vladimir Kantor and Elena Besschetnova in the Dostoevsky Library
On April 20, 2017, within the framework of the project "Anatomy of Philosophy: the Way Text Works. Series "Repliky" by the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Dostoevsky Library there was a meeting with Professor Vladimir Kantor.
The talk was devoted to discussion of V.K. Kantor’s new book "Felled Tree of Life. The fate of N.G Chernyshevsky", which became one of the most striking events in the life of the academic community in 2016. With the help of introductory questions of E.V. Besschetnova V.K. Kantor revealed the most interesting narrative and ideological moments of the book.
The meeting was conducted by A.V. Lisitsky, director of the Dostoevsky Library.
Elena Besschetnova
Deputy Head
Vladimir Kantor
Laboratory Head