An Article about the Work of V.K. Kantor is Published
The third issue of The Yaroslavl Pedagogical Vestnik published an article about the work of Professor Vladimir Kantor from the Higher School of Economics.
The author of the article is Doctor of Art, Professor of the Department of Culturology of the YaSPU, Director of the Scientific and Educational Center "Culture-centricity of Scientific and Educational Activity" T. S. Zlotnikova.
The article "Between Literature and Philosophy, between Horror and Happiness: the Borderline of Being and Creativity of Vladimir Kantor" actualizes the modus of borderline characteristic for Russian philosophical thought and artistic world picture. The problematic field is determined by existential problems of philosophical texts and self-consciousness of N. Berdyaev, V. Rozanov, by perception of the named tradition in modern philosophy. The basic research material is the work of one of the leading contemporary domestic philosophers V. Kantor whose work has a borderline character as applied to his non-scientific but literary texts (in particular, to the novel "Fortress" and the novel "The Death of a Pensioner"). The watershed between man and environment, between the past and the future, between "one's own" and "alien" is defined. The writer's experience allows us to talk about escape not from a fortress, which under such a pretext would be perceived only as a material environment that restricts freedom of movement and causes trouble, but from a fortress that, in accordance with European and Russian traditions, is not a place of physical imprisonment or stay in the name of defence, but one's own soul state. Kantor as a writer, an analyst of border situations of being, lives in philosophy and literature, in the past perceived as a concentrated being of the classics, and in the modern world, perceived as an existential paradox.
The article of T.S. Zlotnikova "Between Literature and Philosophy, between Horror and Happiness: the Borderline of Being and Creativity of Vladimir Kantor"