Anna Shiyan's report "Philosophical Dialogue between Russia and Europe of the Early Twentieth Century: V. E. Seseman's Theory of Knowledge"
On May 6, 2020, within the framework of the seminar "West and East: Universalism of Culture", there was held a report of the research fellow of the Laboratory Anna A. Shiyan
Vasily E. Sezeman (1884-1963), Russian, Lithuanian, Soviet neo-Kantian philosopher of the Marburg school; Professor of Kaunas and Vilnius universities; Gulag prisoner. The report examined the theory of knowledge of Russian and Soviet philosopher V. E. Sezeman in relation to the main directions of the philosophy of the early twentieth century: phenomenology, Neo-Kantianism, and intuitionism. The reporter addressed the following issues of the theory of knowledge: the relation of subject and object, definition of the object of knowledge, the problem of transcendence, methods of cognition, the role of experience in cognition, the problem of the preconditions of knowledge, etc.
Watch on YouTube (in Russian).