Report by Elizaveta Karpova: “K. N. Leontiev: F. M. Dostoevsky and L. N. Tolstoy's "pink Christianity" Criticism»
On June 8, 2021, within the framework of the seminar "Dialogue between Russia and Europe: the View of Young Researchers", Elizaveta Karpova, a research assistant of the Laboratory, a 4th year undergraduate student of the School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics made a report.
In 1882 K. N. Leontiev published the pamphlet Our New Christians. From this moment, a discussion began about three religious models - Dostoevsky's "Universal Harmony", Leontiev's "Transcendental Egoism" and Tolstoy's "Reasonable Kingdom of Goodness and Truth". The speaker made an attempt to reconstruct the dispute started by Leontiev and analyze whether the positions of two great writers and no less great philosopher were so far from each other.
Watch the video of the workshop on YouTube.