International Scientific Conference "Memory as a Historical and Cultural Phenomenon - Russia and the West, XX – XXI Centuries"
On November 21-22, 2019 the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue organized an international scientific conference
The conference was attended by researchers from Italy (Roma Tre University, Pontifical Oriental Institute, Catholic Institute of the Sacred Heart, University of Florence), Germany (Catholic University of Eichstett-Ingolstadt), Belgium (University of Hasselt), USA (Illinois University at Urban-Champaign), Belarus, Ukraine (Poltava National Technical University) and Russia (St. Petersburg State University, Moscow State University, BelSU, Institute of the World Literature RAS, Institute of Philosophy RAS, Institute of the Russian Literature RAS, HSE), etc.
The aim of the conference was to bring together researchers from various fields of the humanities: philosophers, philologists, historians, art historians, and art historians. The interdisciplinary aspect became central in the Russian-European dialogue on memory. The reports were devoted to the events of the twentieth century and modern ways of understanding them: reception of heritage, the phenomenology of memory, visual representation of memory, indications of “memory dead ends”, “places of storage” of past human experience, as time of catastrophes and peaceful daily life.
A video recording of the conference will appear on our website in the near future.